Cannabis Gummies Vs Baked Goods

Cannabis Gummies Vs Baked Goods

The cannabis industry has evolved a lot over the years. You can find various cannabis and cannabinoid products on the market today. The most common type of products that you can find in the market include; gummies, tinctures, vape carts, distillates, etc.

In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about cannabis gummies and other baked goods. With the help of this blog, you can find out how both of these products work.

What Are Cannabis Gummies?

Cannabis gummies are edible products that are obtained from cannabis plants. These gummies can create strong psychoactive and intoxicating effects because they contain THC which is the main cannabinoid that makes you feel high. These gummies can be found in both retail and online stores easily.

Cannabis gummies take about 45 minutes to an hour for the effects to kick in. This is because when you consume a cannabis gummy, it travels to your stomach and gets digested. After that, the cannabinoids present in the gummy enter your bloodstream and travels to your brain to activate its effects. Those effects then last for about 6-8 hours depending on how much you consume.

What Are Baked Goods?

Baked goods, on the other hand, are edible food products that are obtained by adding cannabis while baking or cooking. As compared to cannabis gummies, baked goods take a longer amount of time for you to feel their effects after consumption. This is because baked goods enter your liver and take a lot of time to digest.

After that, the cannabis enters your bloodstream and activates its effects, which last for a very long time. You can find various types of baked goods, or even make your own baked good, such as brownies, cookies, cakes, muffins, etc.

Where Can You Find Good Quality Cannabis Gummies Or Baked Goods?

There have been cases where people would complain about how the cannabis gummies or baked goods that they purchased don’t work at all. This is because the products aren’t purchased from reliable brands. So in order to get your hands on good quality products there are some things that you need to make sure of when purchasing  cannabis products from any brand, they include:

  • Find Out Brand Reputation

Every brand or store has a reputation. A brand’s reputation says a lot about its products. These days it’s very easy to find out about the reputation of a brand, you can do that by visiting the website as well as the social media pages of the brand. You can also read the comments as well as the reviews written by customers about the product. By finding out the reputation of a brand, you get an idea of what the public thinks of that brand, whether they like its products or not, and if the products are worth buying or not.

  • Check COA (Certificate Of Analysis)

When you’re about to purchase products from a brand, you should always ask to check its COA (Certificate Of Analysis) beforehand. This is because a COA is an important document that helps inform you on everything you need to know about the products of a brand. From its manufacturing process to the type of ingredients that were used to create the products.

COAs also contain third-party test results, that help you find out if there are any harmful chemicals or ingredients present in the products. If a brand doesn’t own a COA, then you shouldn’t consider purchasing its products for the sake of your health.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can Cannabis Gummies Make You Fail A Drug test?

It’s very likely that cannabis gummies can make you fail a drug test. This is because they contain THC which is the main cannabinoid in cannabis that makes you feel high and it can easily be detected up to 90 days. That’s why it’s best to wait until the cannabinoid leaves your system completely before deciding to take a drug test. 

  • How Long Do Cannabis Gummies Stay In Your System?

It usually depends on the number of cannabis gummies that you consume and how often you consume them. If you’re someone who consumes cannabis gummies in small dosages once or twice a week, then they will only stay in your system for about a week or less. However, if you consume large dosages of cannabis gummies on a daily basis, then they will stay in your system for a whole month or longer. 

  • What Is The Shelf Life Of Cannabis Gummies?

The shelf life of Cannabis gummies is up to a year or two. However, their shelf life depends on how well you store the gummies. By storing your cannabis gummies properly, you can preserve their shelf life, but if you don’t manage to store them properly, then their shelf life can decrease, which will cause them to spoil or expire. 

  • What Is The Best Way To Store Baked Goods?

It’s a well-known fact that if you want baked goods to remain fresh, then you have to make sure to store them in the best way possible, especially if they contain cannabis. One of the best ways that you can store your cannabis baked goods, is by placing them inside a dry, dark, and cool place which helps prevents the baked goods from getting exposed to any heat, germs, or bacteria. You can also store baked goods inside fridges because their cool temperature can help increase their shelf life by a week or two and reduce their chances of getting spoiled. 

  • Can You Store Cannabis Gummies In A Cabinet?

Cannabis gummies or any type of cannabinoids gummies should always be stored inside dry, cool, and dark places. This is because they don’t allow any heat or light to pass through which can risk the products expiring or degrading at a much faster pace.

Final Words – Which One Is Better For You?

Many people argue about cannabis gummies and baked cannabis goods and are unable to decide on which one is better. You should keep in mind that at the end of the day, it all depends on you and your preferences. If you think that cannabis gummies are better for you then you should buy cannabis gummies and if you think cannabis baked goods are better then you should buy cannabis baked goods.