How To Extract Delta 9?

How To Extract Delta 9?

Do you wonder how producers of marijuana and hemp-based products extract Delta 9 – THC? This extraction process is key to making numerous Delta 9 – THC products occurring on the shelves of online and local dispensaries. How manufacturers obtain Delta 9 – THC determines whether the cannabinoid product fits into the hemp-derived or marijuana-derived products category. This article explores different extraction procedures manufacturers use to get Delta 9 – THC.

What Is Delta 9 – THC?

Delta 9 – THC, aka Delta 9 – tetrahydrocannabinol, is a form of THC that occurs in sufficient quantities in marijuana. When people use marijuana, they get high because of Delta 9. This chemical compound belongs to the family of over 100 cannabinoids naturally found in hemp or marijuana. The discovery of Delta 9 dates back to 1964 when Israeli chemist Raphael Mechoulam isolated it from marijuana.

Delta 9 – THC concentration is highest in mature marijuana and hemp plants. In young hemp plants, all cannabinoids, including Delta 9 – THC, originate from CBGA (cannabigerolic acid), which gradually converts into THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid). THCA decarboxylates into Delta 9 – THC as the hemp plants grow. Thus, young hemp and marijuana plants have minute quantities of Delta 9 – THC.

How Is Delta 9 – THC Extracted?

To make all kinds of Delta 9 – THC products, manufacturers need a pure concentrate of Delta 9 – THC. Manufacturers usually obtain this by using two extraction techniques.

  • Supercritical Carbon dioxide Extraction

Supercritical CO2 extraction involves using CO2 as a solvent for stripping Delta 9 – THC from marijuana matter. First, CO2 gas is cooled in a high-pressure chamber, converting it into a state where the CO2 becomes a mixture of gas and liquid, giving it the name, supercritical.

With supercritical CO2, Delta 9 – THC is removed from hemp matter, obtaining a combination of Delta 9 and CO2. Once this combo is obtained, manufacturers revert the air pressure and temperature to normal, which causes CO2 to return to its gaseous state, leaving behind a pure extract of Delta 9 – THC.

  • Isomerization

Isomerization is another technique that manufacturers use for extracting Delta 9 – THC. In this technique, manufacturers extract the CBD cannabinoid from hemp and add a strong acid solution to it.  Next, CBD in the mixture converts into Delta 9 – THC. Finally, the acid is filtered out of the solution to obtain a pure Delta 9 extract.

What Are The Effects Of Delta 9 – THC?

Delta 9 – THC unleashes intoxicating effects by interacting with your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which controls various important body functions such as sleep, mood, and appetite. How does Delta 9 – THC interact with the ECS? By stimulating the cannabinoid receptors CB1, the chemical compound provides psychoactive effects. These psychoactive effects may improve your mood, relax your mind, and give an energy boost to your body.

How To Extract Delta 9?

How Long Do Delta 9 – THC Products Take To Kick In?

Delta 9 – THC comes in several forms in the hemp market, each with its unique onset time. These include:

  • Vape Carts, Pre-rolls, Blunts, And Flower

Vape carts, pre-rolls, blunts, and flowers fit into the smokables category. These types of products take around 5 to 15 minutes to kick in. They have the shortest onset time because Delta 9 enters your bloodstream directly through your lungs as you take a draw.

  • Tinctures 

Tinctures contain Delta 9 – THC oil, which has a pleasant taste. You can use a Delta 9 – THC tincture sublingually by placing a few drops of Delta 9 oil under your tongue for a minute or two. Taking the oil sublingually will give you an onset time of around 15 to 30 minutes. The cannabinoid from the oil gets absorbed into tiny blood vessels surrounding the inner walls of your mouth.

Moreover, you can take tinctures by infusing them into edibles. In this consumption technique, a Delta 9 high may take 60 minutes or more to become effective.

  • Edibles

Delta 9 – THC edibles have an onset duration of 60 minutes or longer. These products have a longer onset time because they need to be digested in the stomach before the cannabinoid can enter the blood flow. Once Delta 9 enters your blood, it gets metabolized by the liver, after which you begin to feel the psychoactive buzz.

How Can You Properly Store Delta 9 – THC Products?

Once Delta 9 – THC products cross their expiration date, Delta 9 and other compounds inside them begin to lose their functionality. Once the cannabinoids lose their functionality, you won’t get any beneficial effects regardless of how much of the product you take. Sometimes, a Delta 9 product can expire even months before its expiration date if they’re not properly stored. To prevent that, follow these storage tips to make your products last longer.

  • Keep Products In An Airtight Container

Besides vape carts and tinctures, you must keep all other Delta 9 products in an air-seal container. Exposure to air degrades the freshness of these products faster.

  • Store Products In A Cool And Dark Place

You must store Delta 9 products in a cool, dark place like a cupboard. Why? Exposing Delta 9 products to light or heat damages the cannabinoid and chemical compounds inside them

5 Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Is The Shelf Life Of Delta 9 – THC Vape Carts?

Delta 9 – THC vape carts take 1 year or longer to expire. 

  • How Can You Heat Delta 9 – THC Distillates?

You can heat Delta 9 distillates in three ways. One technique involves using a hot plate, where you should set the plate’s temperature to 90℃. The second technique requires a bowl of lukewarm water, where you should place the distillate container inside the bowl. The third method uses a hair dryer to warm the distillate by keeping the dryer in a sweeping motion. 

  • Can You Add Delta 9 – THC Tinctures Into Topicals?

You can use Delta 9 tinctures by adding drops of oil into topical creams or lotions.

Takeaway – How To Extract Delta 9? 

Delta 9 – THC is a natural psychoactive cannabinoid that occurs in high quantities in marijuana and low quantities in hemp. Manufacturers of hemp-derived or marijuana-derived Delta 9 products obtain this cannabinoid through solvent extraction from marijuana or isomerization of hemp-derived CBD.