The THC cannabinoid is one of the most well-known and popular cannabinoids in the world today. You might be familiar with this cannabinoid too because of its strong psychoactive and intoxicating effects. Since this cannabinoid became so popular, two more versions of this cannabinoid were created and introduced in the market, which is THC-O and THC-P. 

In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about both THC-O and THC-P. With the help of our blog, you can find out what these two cannabinoids are, how they work, how they’re extracted, and what makes them so different from each other. Let’s dive right into it!

What Is THC-O?

This synthetic cannabinoid is known as THC-O or THC-O acetate. It was first discovered in 1949 and was studied by the U.S military. Later on, it was discovered in the 1970s by the DEA in Florida, where a lab was illegally combining cannabinoid extracts with acetic anhydride. This cannabinoid doesn’t naturally occur in hemp like other cannabinoids such as CBD, CBN, Delta 9, and Delta 8. 

The THC-O cannabinoid is considered to have a higher potency than the Delta 8 cannabinoid, and it is also considered 3 times as potent as the Delta 9 cannabinoid, so it produces strong psychoactive, intoxicating, and hallucinogenic effects. This is also because it shares a similar chemical or molecular structure to Delta 9. You can find this cannabinoid sold in many products such as gummies, tinctures, oils, and distillates. 

What  Is THC-P?

THC-P, also known as tetrahydrocannabiphorol, is a naturally occurring cannabinoid that is found in very small traces in hemp plants. It is formed by an organic chemical compound called cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) in hemp plants, which is the exact same organic chemical compound that forms other cannabinoids in hemp plants. THC-P was discovered in 2019, by a group of Italian researchers. 

There is a lot of debate going on about the legal status of the THC-P cannabinoid. The legal status of this cannabinoid depends on the laws of the state that you live in. However, it is considered legal according to the 2018 Farm Bill which states that all hemp-derived cannabinoids and their products are considered legal as long as they don’t contain more than 0.3% of THC. 

What Are The Differences Between THC-O & THC-P?

There are many differences between these two cannabinoids that you should know about. This is because their names sound very similar, which can confuse people sometimes and lead them to think that they’re both the same thing. 

  • Extraction Method

THC-P can’t be extracted from hemp plants because it occurs in very small traces. Due to this reason, researchers and scientists had to search for other ways to obtain this cannabinoid. One of those ways includes manipulating hemp-derived CBD and using it to synthesize THC-P. 

The extraction method of THC-O involves the process of extracting CBD from hemp and removing the Delta 8 or THC cannabinoid from it. After that, you can add acetic anhydride, which is a highly flammable chemical compound, to the THC cannabinoid, which will help it convert to THC-O. This extraction method is considered very complex and dangerous which is why it should only be performed by scientifically trained professionals in labs. So don’t try this at home. 


  • Potency

As mentioned before, the THC-O cannabinoid can create very strong psychoactive, intoxicating, and hallucinogenic effects. This is because this cannabinoid is said to be 5 times stronger than the Delta 8 cannabinoid and 3 times higher in potency than the Delta 9 cannabinoid. Another reason why THC-O is stronger is that it has more bioavailability and our bodies find it easier to use. 

According to Italian researchers who discovered THC-P, this cannabinoid binds with the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system 33 times more than the Delta 9 cannabinoid. This is because of its extended seven-atom side chain in its molecular structure. This also means that its effects on the mind and body are much more stronger. THC-P is also considered to be 2 times stronger than THC-O and 10 times stronger than the Delta 9 cannabinoid. 

  • Amount Of Time The Effects Take

The effects of THC-P kick in within an hour and last for 6 hours if you’re consuming edibles that contain THC-P. The reason they take so long to kick in is that the edibles need to be digested first before the THC-P cannabinoid can enter your bloodstream. However, when you’re vaping THC-P, the effects kick in after about 15 minutes and they last for at least 2 hours. 

The effects of THC-O on the other hand, take at least 30 minutes for the effects to kick in and they last for 3-5 hours if you’re consuming THC-O edibles. Whereas when you’re vaping THC-O the effects kick in after 15-20 minutes and last for about 3 hours. At the end of the day, the amount of time the effects of any cannabinoid take depends on the type of product you’re consuming and how much you consume. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Long Does THC-O Stay In Your System?

If you consume THC-O very frequently, then it can stay in your system for up to 30 days, but if you only consume it once or twice a week, then it might only stay in your system for less than a few days. 

  • Can THC-O Make You Fail A Drug Test?

THC-O is a version of THC, therefore it can make you fail a drug test. This is also because most drug tests are designed to pick up traces of THC. 

  • What Is The Best Way To Consume THC-P?

The best way to consume THC-P is by eating their edibles. They may take a while to kick in but their effects can last for hours. 

  • What Is The Cost Of THC-O Gummies?

The cost of THC-O gummies can depend on many factors such as the place you purchase them from, the amount of THC-O each gummy contains, and the size of the gummies container. 

  • What Is The Best Place To Store Your THC-P Gummies?

The best place to store your THC-P gummies is a dark and cool place because they can help protect them from exposure to heat and light. 

Conclusion – Which Is The One For You?

It may be a bit difficult to choose between both THC-O and THC-P, but if you keep your tolerance levels and preferences in mind, then you won’t have much difficulty with coming to decision. However, both of these cannabinoids are highly potent, so it’s important that you’re careful when consuming them and not go past your limit.